Tree Pose Vrksasana
Tree pose or Vrksasana is a balancing pose used in various yoga classes. The pose tones the leg muscles and gives one a sense of focus, balance, and poise.
1. Begin standing tall on both feet in mountain pose.
2. Transfer your weight to the left leg while raising and bending the right leg at the knee.
3. Place the activated right heel at the root of the activated left thigh, or as close to the inseam of the left leg as possible. A modification would be to allow the bent right leg to rest on the ankle or calf.
4. Rest the right foot on the thigh (or ankle or calf) with the toes pointing downward.
5. Bring the navel in towards the spine and allow your eyes to focus on the tip of your nose, or a stationary object far away. This is considered your drishti or focal point.
6. Your arms may be fully extended, wide and above, or hands may be in prayer pose at the chest.
7. Allow your shoulders to be relaxed and imagine roots growing from your left leg, down into the earth.
8. For a challenge, hold the pose for 4-5 breaths and then change your drishti to the sky above or close your eyes.
9. After 8-10 breaths, with control, release the right leg and repeat on the other side.
The pose strengthens thighs, calves, ankles, and spine. It stretches the groins and inner thighs, chest and shoulders. It relieves sciatica and reduces flat feet. The most important aspect of this pose is how it improves your sense of balance. You’ll never be absolutely still; your body will adjust slightly to maintain the pose. Small muscles in your feet will strengthen and activate as you balance through the pose. While maintaining the breath, allow yourself to focus on the act of balancing and adjusting just as a tree adjusts to wind, rain, and the elements of nature.